TGS Day 23

An unprecedented celebration of the Gregorian brotherhood

And so it all began, the lovely winter day of January 20, 2023 saw the Gregorian brotherhood come together. Nearly 1600 Gregorians gathered for the daylong event that ran into the night with a feverish enthusiasm that has not been experienced for many years. Young and old gathered in a festive mood, bringing nostalgic memories to the seniors, while at the same time establishing the missing link between the juniors and the seniors. 

For the first time, TGS brought in the current students to be a part of the celebration with the sole intent of providing them with an insight into the Alumni and, what it stood for. For the current students, the experience was a revelation. They experienced first-hand the deep love for the Alma Mater that binds the Gregorian alumni together and the value it added through a strong and supportive alumni association.

The gathering was enriched by the participation of students covering six decades.

“St. Gregory’s not only taught its students to be proficient in science, arts and culture, it also taught them to be good humans. Today, we are trying to make a radical transformation in the country’s education system that will make students more creative, and teach them humanity, empathy, tolerance and honesty. St. Gregory’s has been doing all of this for centuries.

“The institution has produced the first Prime Minister of the country, a President, a Nobel Laureate, the framer of the constitution, leading academics, writers, politicians, journalists and world-class players. We want more from her and her alumni to spread this light across the country. So, I not only welcome TGS’s efforts to fulfill its purpose – giving back to the alma mater and in turn to our Motherland – but also pledge to stand by it with all my capacity.”

The above excerpts from her speech said it all. The Chief guest Dr. Dipu Moni, the Hon’ble Minister of Education, was lavish in her praise of St. Gregory’s and, categorically claimed her personal bond with the School through her husband Tawfiq Nawaz (batch of 1966) and, her three brothers in law who are all Gregorians.

Guest of Honor Bro. Ujjal Placid Pereira, the Principal of SGHS&C and the Chief Patron of TGS expressed his delight to see senior and junior Gregorians mingle. “It is very important to tell and listen to stories to build the nation,” he pointed out in his speech. He referred to the hon’ble Prime Minister’s directives as he emphasized the need for a strong relationship between the school and its alumni body. Bro. Ujjal said that from his own experience in academic institutions in the country, Gregorians lead the nation in their love for their alma mater. He wanted this love to blossom in TGS by bringing all Gregorians from home and abroad under one umbrella. 

For all Gregorians that attended the event, we share those moments through some of the images presented here to relive the day and, for those that missed it for whatever reason, to be a part of it. We will surely hope to see you in 2024.

Mission With a Vision

The Gregorian Society presents to you “TGS Day 2023” – its flagship alumni event which will take you back to your academic roots with a sense of belonging. It is to be hosted at our precious school campus on Friday, 20th January 2023. The intent of TGS is pure and precise. We intend to promote an all-inclusive gathering of Gregorians from all across the globe. This time around, we are also including the current students from class 9 to 12, as participants to the main event without any entry fee.